Servicios de Información Geoespacial

Plataforma GeoWeb IDEGeo
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© OpenStreetMap contributors
100 km
50 mi

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Attribute Name Label Description
Id_region None None
Nom_reg None None
PVIVPH2010 None None
PVIVPH2015 None None
TC20102015 None None
Pob25a34 None None
Pob35a54 None None
Pob55a64 None None
Pob25a64 None None
Lic_25a34 None None
Lic35a54 None None
Lic55_a64 None None
Lic None None
Pos25a34 None None
Pos35a54 None None
Pos55a64 None None
Pos None None
LP25A34 None None
LP35A54 None None
LP55A64 None None
Lic_Pos None None
T_LIC25A34 None None
T_LIC35A54 None None
T_LIC55A64 None None
T_LIC_TOT None None
T_POS25A34 None None
T_POS35A54 None None
T_POS55A64 None None
T_POS_TOT None None
T_LP25A34 None None
T_LP35A54 None None
T_LP55A64 None None
T_LP_TOT None None
DIF25A55LP None None
DIF25A55L None None
DIF25A55P None None
Pob_ocup None None
Directivos None None
A_M_F None None
I_D None None
Ingenieros None None
TIC None None
Creativos None None
Educacion None None
Salud None None
Total_POIC None None
T_P__OIC None None
PO_2564 None None
PO_2564L None None
PO_2564P None None
PO_2564LP None None
LQ_L None None
LQ_P None None
EB_LIC None None
EB_POS None None
I_HH None None
LQ_OIC None None

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