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The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program helps communities identify and implement solutions that make it easier for people to be healthy in their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. Ranking the health of nearly every county in the nation, the County Health Rankings illustrate what we know when it comes to what is keeping people healthy or making people sick and how the opportunity for good health differs from one county to the next. Supporting a call to action, the Roadmaps show what we can do to create healthier places for everyone to live, learn, work, and play. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation collaborates with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute to bring this program to communities across the nation.

Summary of Key Findings

Now in its eighth year, the County Health Rankings continue to bring revealing data to communities across the nation.
More Americans are dying prematurely, notably among our younger generations Premature death rates rose across urban and rural community types and racial/ethnic groups in 2015. Premature death has consistently been highest in rural counties and among American Indian/Alaskan Native and black populations.
In recent years, premature death increased most among those ages 15–44.

Drug overdose and other injury deaths heavily influenced the rise in premature death Drug overdose was by far the single leading cause of premature death by injury in 2015 and contributed to the accelerated rise in premature death from 2014 to 2015.
Large suburban metro counties went from having the lowest to the highest rate of premature death due to drug overdose within the past decade.
For those ages 15–24, an increase in drug overdose deaths was part of the equation, but more deaths due to motor vehicle crashes and firearm fatalities also played a role in the accelerated rise in premature death.

A focus on opportunities for youth and young adults Disconnected youth (a new measure this year) are youth and young adults ages 16–24 who are not in school and not working, and represent untapped potential to strengthen the social and economic vibrancy of local communities. In 2015, there were about 4.9 million youth – or 1 out of 8 – not in school or working.
Youth disconnection is most prevalent among American Indian/Alaskan Native, black, and Hispanic youth. Rates of youth disconnection are higher in rural counties than in urban counties. Places with high levels of youth disconnection have higher rates of unemployment, child poverty, children in single-parent households, teen births, and lower levels of educational attainment – all barriers to a successful transition from youth to healthy adulthood.


The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where the north american people live, learn, work and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities.


under the direction of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Burness. Forum One is a digital agency that partners with influential organizations to craft solutions for the world’s most pressing problems.

Forum One provided the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program team with digital strategy, user experience, and technical development.

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2017-04-05 00:29:00

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps



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County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
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POLYGON((-124.725839 24.498131,-124.725839 49.384358,-66.949895 49.384358,-66.949895 24.498131,-124.725839 24.498131))

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Periodo de validez de datos

Attribute Name Description
m_135_valu Injury deaths Injury Death Rate
m_23_value Unemployment % Unemployed
m_5_denomi Preventable hospital stays # Medicare Enrollees
m_4_numera Primary care physicians # Primary Care Physicians
m_1_numera Premature death # Deaths
m_1_value Premature death Years of Potential Life Lost Rate
m_1_cilow Premature death 95% CI - Low
m_1_cihigh Premature death 95% CI - High
m_2_value Poor or fair health % Fair/Poor
m_2_cilow Poor or fair health 95% CI - Low
m_2_cihigh Poor or fair health 95% CI - High
m_36_value Poor physical health days Physically Unhealthy Days
m_36_cilow Poor physical health days 95% CI - Low
m_36_cihig Poor physical health days 95% CI - High
m_42_value Poor mental health days Mentally Unhealthy Days
m_42_cilow Poor mental health days 95% CI - Low
m_134_cilo Alcohol-impaired driving deaths 95% CI - Low
m_134_cihi Alcohol-impaired driving deaths 95% CI - High
m_45_numer Sexually transmitted infections # Chlamydia Cases
m_45_value Sexually transmitted infections Chlamydia Rate
m_14_numer Teen births Teen Births
m_37_numer Low birthweight # Low Birthweight Births
m_37_denom Low birthweight # Live Births
m_37_value Low birthweight % LBW
m_37_cilow Low birthweight 95% CI - Low
m_37_cihig Low birthweight 95% CI - High
m_9_value Adult smoking % Smokers
m_9_cilow Adult smoking 95% CI - Low
m_9_cihigh Adult smoking 95% CI - High
m_11_value Adult obesity % Obese
m_11_cilow Adult obesity 95% CI - Low
m_11_cihig Adult obesity 95% CI - High
m_133_valu Food environment index
m_70_value Physical inactivity % Physically Inactive
m_70_cilow Physical inactivity 95% CI - Low
m_70_cihig Physical inactivity 95% CI - High
m_132_valu Access to exercise opportunities % With Access
m_49_value Excessive drinking % Excessive Drinking
m_49_cilow Excessive drinking 95% CI - Low
m_49_cihig Excessive drinking 95% CI - High
m_134_nume Alcohol-impaired driving deaths # Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths
m_134_deno Alcohol-impaired driving deaths # Driving Deaths
m_134_valu Alcohol-impaired driving deaths % Alcohol-Impaired
m_42_cihig Poor mental health days 95% CI - High
m_7_value Diabetes monitoring % Receiving HbA1c
m_7_cilow Diabetes monitoring 95% CI - Low
m_7_cihigh Diabetes monitoring 95% CI - High
m_50_denom Mammography screening # Medicare Enrollees
m_50_value Mammography screening % Mammography
m_50_cilow Mammography screening 95% CI - Low
m_14_denom Teen births Teen Population
m_14_value Teen births Teen Birth Rate
m_14_cilow Teen births 95% CI - Low
m_14_cihig Teen births 95% CI - High
m_85_numer Uninsured # Uninsured
m_85_value Uninsured % Uninsured
m_85_cilow Uninsured 95% CI - Low
m_85_cihig Uninsured 95% CI - High
m_4_value Primary care physicians PCP Rate
m_4_RATIO1 Primary care physicians PCP Ratio
m_88_numer Dentists # Dentists
m_88_value Dentists Dentist Rate
m_88_RATIO Dentists Dentist Ratio
m_62_numer Mental health providers # Mental Health Providers
m_62_value Mental health providers MHP Rate
m_62_RATIO Mental health providers MHP Ratio
m_5_value Preventable hospital stays Preventable Hosp. Rate
m_5_cilow Preventable hospital stays 95% CI - Low
m_5_cihigh Preventable hospital stays 95% CI - High
m_7_denomi Diabetes monitoring # Diabetics
m_82_denom Children in single-parent households # Households
m_82_value Children in single-parent households % Single-Parent Households
m_82_cilow Children in single-parent households 95% CI - Low
m_82_cihig Children in single-parent households 95% CI - High
m_140_nume Social associations # Associations
m_140_valu Social associations Association Rate
m_43_numer Violent crime # Violent Crimes
m_50_cihig Mammography screening 95% CI - High
m_21_denom High school graduation Cohort Size
m_21_value High school graduation Graduation Rate
m_69_numer Some college # Some College
m_69_denom Some college Population
m_69_value Some college % Some College
m_69_cilow Some college 95% CI - Low
m_69_cihig Some college 95% CI - High
m_23_numer Unemployment # Unemployed
m_23_denom Unemployment Labor Force
m_24_value Children in poverty % Children in Poverty
m_24_cilow Children in poverty 95% CI - Low
m_24_cihig Children in poverty 95% CI - High
Field86 Children in poverty % Children in Poverty - Black
Field87 Children in poverty % Children in Poverty - Hispanic
Field88 Children in poverty % Children in Poverty - White
m_44_numer Income inequality 80th Percentile Income
m_44_denom Income inequality 20th Percentile Income
m_44_value Income inequality Income Ratio
m_82_numer Children in single-parent households # Single-Parent Households
m_124_valu Air pollution - particulate matter Presence of violation
m_136_cilo Severe housing problems 95% CI - Low
m_136_cihi Severe housing problems 95% CI - High
m_67_value Driving alone to work % Drive Alone
m_67_cihig Driving alone to work 95% CI - High
Field114 Driving alone to work % Drive Alone - Black
Field115 Driving alone to work % Drive Alone - Hispanic
Field116 Driving alone to work % Drive Alone - White
m_137_deno Long commute - driving alone # Workers who Drive Alone
m_137_valu Long commute - driving alone % Long Commute - Drives Alone
m_137_cilo Long commute - driving alone 95% CI - Low
m_137_cihi Long commute - driving alone
m_43_value Violent crime Violent Crime Rate
m_135_nume Injury deaths # Injury Deaths
m_135_cilo Injury deaths 95% CI - Low
m_135_cihi Injury deaths 95% CI - High
m_125_valu Air pollution - particulate matter Average Daily PM2.5
m_136_nume Severe housing problems # Households with Severe Problems
m_136_valu Severe housing problems % Severe Housing Problems
m_67_cilow Driving alone to work 95% CI - Low

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